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Medicaid Eligibility

Use the below support tools and how-to videos, to complete a review, re-apply and/or ask for help for your household eligibility for Medicaid and/or Medically Needy.


How-To Videos

1095B Information

The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (Agency) is no longer required to mail 1095B tax notices. Starting with the 2020 calendar year, Florida Medicaid and Florida KidCare programs stopped automatically mailing out these notices. The Agency must still report individuals’ qualifying health coverage to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). If anyone in your household was eligible for Florida Medicaid or enrolled in Florida KidCare in any part of the previous calendar year, then your health coverage information was sent to the IRS. There is no action needed on the part of the enrollee and the form is not required to file your federal taxes. If you would like a copy of the 1095B form, please call 1-877-254-1055.

Go Paperless!

Sign up for a FL Medicaid Member Portal account today and elect to get your letters electronically!
To create your account and login, click here.